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Literacy in Everyday Life: Reading and Writing in Early Modern Dutch Diaries Child of the Enlightenment: Revolutionary Europe Reflected in a Boyhood Diary

Egodocuments and History Series published by Brill

Brill Publishers has launched a new book series titled 'Egodocuments and History'.
For more information, see

The second volume appeared in july 2009: Jeroen Blaak, Literacy in Everyday Life: Reading and Writing in Early Modern Dutch Diaries, Brill Publishers, Leiden & Boston, 2009, translated by Beverley Jackson

The first volume appeared in January 2009: Arianne Baggerman and Rudolf Dekker, Child of the Enlightenment: Revolutionary Europe Reflected in a Boyhood Diary, Brill Publishers, Leiden & Boston, 2009, translated by Diane Webb (ISSN 1873-653X, ISBN 978 90 04 17269 2).